Sunday, January 10, 2021

Dry Land


We must understand something.  You and I have lives.  We want to live them and be left alone.  We just want to work and raise our families and worship. 

That concept is an existential threat to our enemy.

To provide the hammock of socialism for Leftists to sway in, the middle class must give over more and more of what they have earned to support eager lazy mouths.  

We say no. 

No to high taxes; no to forced labor that affords a lifestyle for those who opt out of work.

No. Charities within the community must provide the safety nets; this is an important component of local communities, churches and local government working together to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves; helping them to return to work if possible until they are elderly.

This compulsion to become slaves to the socialist-communist state crushes the middle class, responsible individuals...and rewards the puppy-mill squalor of the ghetto by providing ever-larger checks to those who manufacture fatherless boxes crowded with crime and illiteracy.  The queens of these hives know the system well, providing intergenerational advice every 13 years and using public assistance and legal advice to communicate an invisible hand of destruction across the blue cities and the red country as people choose to live in victimhood rather than participate in the rewards of life with work and responsibility.

We are outnumbered in this "democracy née communism" by stupid masses, uneducated on purpose, desperate for the teat of government, who has assumed the role of sugardaddy; who fling open the gates and invite ever more competing mouths and starving their own to make the case that only MORE will ever be enough to build utopia-by-control.

So I say No.

They have destroyed my America.  So, they must suffer the consequences of those choices.  The hammock must be untwined; and they must stand on the ground surrounded by hungry mouths who will hate them at the side of the road.

Those operating machine Utopia in Washington are also threatened; they too ride the hammock but for them it is so much more; big houses, big cars, living as royals with guards, deciding to give themselves raises; making the case that only MORE will ever be enough. They will do whatever they must to retain POWER for themselves and their kin. Dynasties living off the effort of others.  They sell our essential freedoms and liberties for their own comfort; with inflated monies from foreign interests who've also fleeced America on the wheel of money.

So I say No.

Then comes Silicon Valley; tightly wound with these royalists, globalists, communists internationally tangled; party to crimes against human rights around the world; champions of communism, grown to robber baron size and then big enough to be their own country with the own laws; beyond lobbying but owning politicians and laws; entering into secret combinations with dark forces; abusing the very fertile ground that made them possible.

Salt that earth. Break that wheel.  End that control.  Take from them the thing that gives them power over others; your participation.  Revoke the terms of service by opting out and actively working against their size, foreign entanglements, and influence in Washington.

Just say No to the hit.  Instead write a letter, make a call, read a book, walk with a friend, spend with those who will support our desired outcome and refrain from spending with those who do not.  This takes effort at first but gets easier in time.

The only way to win is not to play.

We must choose freedom...and with it, risk.  We must not be dependent on others...we must grow what we can, make what we can, work with our neighbors and community; we must work against the all-seeing eye, tear down Babylon; leave Egypt's chariots tumbling in the water behind.

We must have faith. And we must trust His word.  In the end, God wins and all things turn to his will no matter what the diabolical designs as they are revealed and reversed.

What's happening?